Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla (@moyameehaa) a Maldivian Journalist has been missing since 8 August 2014. He was last seen on CCTV at the Hulhumale' ferry terminal.
He was wearing a black shirt, black trousers, black shoes with white soles and carrying a black backpack.
Rilwan is 28 years old, of medium build and 5 feet 10 inches tall, sporting a short beard and moustache.

Regarding the Press Conference by the Commission Investigating Deaths and Disappearances
Rilwan's family

ކުރީގެ ނައިބު ރައީސް އަހުމަދު އަދީބު ބޭސްފަރުވާއަށް ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރަށް ފުރުވާލުމާގުޅޭ
Rilwan's family

Concerns of the family of Rilwan regarding preliminary hearing held at the Criminal Court
Rilwan's family

ކްރިމިނަލް ކޯޓުގައި ބޭއްވި އިބްތިދާއީ އަޑުއެހުމާއި ގުޅިގެން ރިލްވާންގެ ޢާއިލާގެ ބައެއް ކަންބޮޑުވުންތައް
Rilwan's family
ރިލްވާ ގެއްލުވާލިތާ 3 އަހަރު ފުރުނު ދުވަހު ފުލުހުން އަނިޔާވެރިކަން އިސްކުރުން ކުށްވެރިކުރަން

އަޅުގަނޑުގެ ދަރިފުޅު އަޙްމަދު ރިލްވާން އަށާއި އޭނާގެ އަޚް ޔާމީން ރަޝީދަށް އިންސާފު ހޯދުމަށް ކެނޑިނޭޅި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާނަން
Rilwan's family

މިނިވަން ނޫހުގެ ނޫސްވެރިޔާ އަޙްމަދު ރިޟްވާނު ވަގަށް ނެގި މައްސަލައިގެ ފުރިހަމަ ތަޙްޤީޤެއް ހިންގުމުގައި ފުލުހުން އިޙްމާލުވެފައިވާކަމާއި، ނުވަތަ ގަސްތުގައި ޙަޤީޤަތް ފޮރުވުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކޮށްފައިވާކަން އެނގޭތީ، ކަންބޮޑުވުން ފާޅުކުރުން

Press Release: Condemning violation of Freedom of Assembly and Expression on 8 August 2015 marking one year to the disappearance of journalist and HRD Ahmed Rilwan
Maldivian Democracy Network

CPJ urges Maldives to launch independent investigation into case of missing journalist Rilwan

European Parliament resolution on the situation in the Maldives (2015/2662(RSP))
EU Parliament

Amnesty International

MALDIVES: Bring to Justice Those Behind Abductions, Death Threats and Violence
Amnesty International
Statement by Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla’s family

Findings of the Report on the Disappearance of Maldivian Journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla

UNHRC : Statement concerning missing Maldivian Minivan News journalist
Maldivian Democracy Network

Open Letter to the Commissioner of Police : Rizwan’s Disappearance
Maldivian Democracy Network
Statement by Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla’s family on International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances
Joint Statement by Maldivian Private Media
Minivan News, Haveeru, Sun, CNM, Vaguthu, Dhuvas, Raajje TV, DhiTV, VTV, DhiFM, Channel One and Jazeera TV

Statement on the sudden disappearance of news journalist
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maldives

ރިޕޯރޓަރ އަޙްމަދު ރިޟުވާން ގެއްލުނު މައްސަލާގައި ރައީސް ޔާމިންގެ އެއްވެސް ކަންބޮޑުވެވަޑައިގަތުމެއް އަދި އަހުމިއްޔަތުކަމެއް ނެތްކަން ދޭހަވާ މޭރުމުން އަމަލުކުރައްވި މައްސަލަ ކުށްވެރިކުރުން
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)

IFJ and SAMSN demand action on search for missing Maldivian journalist
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN)

މިނިވަން ނޫހުގެ ރިޕޯރޓަރ އަޙުމަދު ރިޟުވާން ހޯދުމަށް ސަރުކާރުން ސަމާލުކަމެއް ދެއްވައިގެން އެމަސައްކަތް ކުރިޔަށް ނުގެންދަވާތީ ކަންބޮޑުވުން ފާޅުކުރުން
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)

Journalist missing in the Maldives
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA)

Call authorities to make an extra effort to clarify the whereabouts of Minivan News journalist
Maldives Journalist Association (MJA)
“How are they going to trial without knowing what happened to Rilwan?” asks sister of abducted journalist
Maldives Independent
މިއަދަކީ ރިޟްވާންގެ އުފަން ދުވަސް، ގެއްލުނުތާ 894 ދުވަސް، އިންސާފު ހޯދައިދީ: މަންމަ
“There are people with info on missing journalist in Maldives” – Attorney General
Mihaaru News
In Pictures: Two Years Of Struggle To Find Ahmed Rilwan #FindMoyameehaa Maldives Journalist
Focus Maldives
Court releases suspects arrested in relation to journalist Rilwan’s abduction
Court extends remand of suspects arrested in relation to journalist Rilwan’s abduction
President orders investigation into missing journalist’s disappearance
Maldives Independent
Missing journalist’s family delivers 500 paper cranes to president
Maldives Independent
Rilwan’s disappearance: Why we accuse the government of negligence
Maldives Independent
ރިލްވާން ގެއްލުނުތާ 500 ދުވަސް، އާއިލާ އޮތީ ދިރިހުއްޓާ ފެންނާނެ ކަމުގެ އުންމީދުގައި!
ރިލްވާން މައްސަލާގައި އެންމެ ބޮޑަށް ތުހުމަތުވަނީ އަޒްލިފަށް، ނާޒިމާވެސް ސުވާލުކޮށްފިން: އުމަރު
Home minister vows to ‘find the truth’ behind Rilwan’s disappearance
Maldives Independent
Complaint filed over pepper spray use, obstruction of Find Moyameehaa walk
Maldives Independent
Maldivians March to Mark Anniversary of Local Journalist’s Disappearance
Global Voices Online
Police Press
Live Tweets
ރިލްވާން ވަގަށް ނެގިތާ ތިން އަހަރު
One Year On – Celebrate Moyameehaa’s life by reading some of his earliest works
Hani Amir
Trouble in paradise: what happened to Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla?
Tom Chesshyre
Hani Amir
You Are Missed (The Public in Support of Ahmed Rizwan)
Secular Democratic Maldives Movement
How can you help?
Thank you for coming. We will not stop until we #FindMoyameehaa #Suvaalumarch.
#FindMoyameehaa needs global support!
Help us reach 20,000 petitions. Sign the Avaaz petition to help us launch a wider campaign.
Letter from Rilwan's mom on his 29th birthday (Dhivehi)
Tell people you meet: friends, family, neighbours. Do your best to increase awareness of his disappearance & get them concerned. Most importantly, demand updates from Police.
Majlis petition has been submitted with over 5,000 signatures. Thank you for the support.
Rilwan is still missing. Please take a minute of your day to call or text your MP and urge them to hold the government accountable in ensuring a thorough investigation on Rilwan's case. Check this list to find the contact information of your MP: http://goo.gl/Cfi0dI
Please show your support to #FindMoyameehaa. Add this twibbon to your profile picture.
Download and print this poster (updated) to distribute and put up.
If you know Rilwan (@moyameehaa) please fill this form to help.
We urge anyone with further information to contact the Police Hotline 332 2111, or Serious and Organised Crime Department at 991 1099.
Alternatively, Rilwan’s family can be contacted on 775 4566 or 977 3250.